Upcoming Elasticsearch Courses

I’m building an Elasticsearch training course.

I’ve been planning this for a while but I now have the space and time to finally make it happen.

The first (free) series will be short (around 45 minutes), and focus on the building blocks of an Elasticsearch cluster: Shards! What is a shard? What difference does the number of primary shards make to a cluster? How can we stop shards growing beyond the most efficient size?

The main (not free) course will be based around the Elastic Certified Engineer curriculum. The curriculum is the bread-and-butter of what you need to know to use Elasticsearch and forms a great starting point for someone new to the product. Parts of this course are much easier to understand with a good grasp of shards from the first series. It’s important to note that you don’t need to sit the exam if you don’t want to; having the knowledge is enough for a lot of people.

The first series will be published next week. The larger course will begin production next, and the lessons will start dropping in the following weeks.

The idea for the first series has been rattling around in my head for about two years. An alpha version of the video got a great response when I shared it with a few people last year. I can’t wait to get it polished and published.

These and future courses will be published over on a new dedicated platform; Understanding The Elastic Stack.

I hope you find these courses useful and I look forward to seeing you there!

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All content on this site is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of any of my employers or clients, past or present.
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